Think Tank for Pastors

“For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” 

-Romans 8:19

One of the greatest influences in the life of a man is his faith. His belief guides his responses to scenarios and situations. However, What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?” To effectively propagate the gospel, we must not only be full of faith and belief but also be strategic in the delivery of works that can convince and bring more people into the kingdom following the reception of the good news of salvation.

This implies that the ministry of Christ grows when the ministers of Christ are able to put in the intentional and strategic effort towards promoting the gospel. What makes work productive is knowledge and energy. It is one thing to have knowledge of what works and it is another to have the energy to drive that knowledge through.


At the Think Tank for Pastors, you would improve your ministry competencies by:

Building long-term future whilst managing short-term goals, intangibles and core competencies.

Building and boosting a strong global itinerant ministry.

Suitably refuelling your ministerial bank in a relaxed and refreshing environment.

Maximising your capabilities and effectively combining ministry with professional work.

Expanding your sphere of influence in ministry and actively engaging in spreading the gospel.

Gaining systematic knowledge on growth in ministry as presented by the word and experienced by various ministry disruptors.

Mapping out a ministerial structure that engenders growth.

We will utilise a blend of practical Teachings from Industrial Captains, Critical case studies on prominent ministries, Roleplay and group discussions, Visual and video learning to drive our point home:

Join the league of ministry leaders and gain exposure to strategic knowledge while driving productive energy at the Think Tank for Pastors.

For more information and registration please call
+234 802 297 7777